During this week, we’ll come together as a community, connect the youth with the wider congregation, and raise awareness about all the great things happening in our Youth Ministry. Plus, it’s a chance to support our ongoing and future ministry efforts!

On February 23, we’ll launch our $1 to $200 Envelope Fundraiser. Envelopes numbered from $1 to $200 will fill two bulletin boards in the Narthex. All are invited to choose an envelope (or more than one!), put the matching dollar amount inside (cash or check), and return it by Youth Sunday, March 2. Grab an envelope on weekdays from 9am to 5pm. You can also donate any amount by visiting our fundraising page: www.firstbaptistgreenville.com/youthministryweek.

You can also join in the fun by participating in other fundraising events during the week:

Adult vs. Youth Games—Sunday, February 23, 5-7pm at AYMC: $10/person to play and have pizza! Adults, the youth are challenging you to some of our favorite games—4-square, pickleball, 9-square in the air, and gaga ball.

Barberitos Profit Share Fundraiser—Wednesday, February 28, 5-8pm at the 27 S. Pleasantburg Drive Barberitos: Tell them you’re with First Baptist Greenville.

Parent Social & Dinner Party—Friday, February 28, 6pm at the Johnstone Home: Parents and Friends of FBG Children & Youth are invited to RSVP and get your $40 ticket, which includes dinner and a variety of beverages.

Youth Sunday Worship—March 2: You will not want to miss this wonderful opportunity to support our youth as they lead in all aspects of our worship service!
Visit https://firstbaptistgreenville.com/youthministryweek/ to learn more and help us reach our goal. Thank you for supporting our youth! We can’t wait to see you at our events!

—Mary Carol Anderson, Minister of Youth & College
Andrew Tonks, Associate Minister of Youth & College

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