Free Music Event in FBG Sanctuary, Thursday, October 10, 7:30pm

At 7:30pm on Thursday, October 10, the South Carolina American Choral Directors Association (SC ACDA) will hold a Fauré Requiem Sing-A-Long in our Sanctuary. Dr. Hugh Floyd will serve as Guest Conductor for the gathered musicians. Those participating include the...
Organ Console Update Delayed

Organ Console Update Delayed

In recent years we’ve all heard about ongoing “supply chain” issues in various industries; unfortunately, the pipe organ building/servicing world and its associated suppliers have not been exempt from such issues. This has now, unfortunately, impacted the...
Furman Singers Alumni Choir—July 28

Furman Singers Alumni Choir—July 28

This weekend, alumni from the Furman University Singers will gather from across the country to share a weekend of music and fellowship that will culminate in morning worship here at First Baptist Greenville on July 28. The Furman Singers, the oldest of Furman...

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