Give Today
Thank you for being the hands and feet of God in our world!
Give Online
(for members)
Give Online
(for non-members)

Text Giving
Text GIVE2FBG and the amount to 73256
(example: give2fbg 20)
After your first text gift, you will be given the option to add a card and a designation for your gift.
Other Giving Options
Making charitable contributions is an art…a creative process that adapts to the changing needs and wishes of the donor.
Planned giving enables a donor to arrange charitable contributions in ways that maximize his or her personal objectives while minimizing the after-tax cost. Contributing to the church can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Explore these online giving opportunities or through the links below:

If you want the church to draft your bank account, please contact the Finance Office at
One of the simplest methods of online giving involves using your existing online banking service to set up recurring payments. Contact your financial institution directly for assistance.
You can donate stock or real property to the church. Due to church policies and procedures in dealing with these gifts, time is required to process these types of donations to insure contribution credit by year’s end. Please contact the Finance Office for more information.
If you are 70 1/2 years or older, you may make a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA. This is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA custodian, payable to a qualified charity. The QCD excludes the amount donated from the taxable income. Please contact your tax advisor to determine if this is appropriate for your situation. If so, please contact the Finance Office for additional information.
Consult Your Financial Advisor.
Consult your financial advisor to obtain the exact deduction for a gift you may be considering. You should consult your attorney about the applicability to your own situation of the legal principles found in the information below. But prayerfully consider these ways to give:
Contribution Statements Go Green!
First Baptist Greenville is now offering an e-statement option. Contributors may elect to receive their quarterly and year-end contribution statements via e-mail through a secure link, which allows them to view and print a statement.
Please e-mail the Finance Office in Contribution Services to update your contribution record.
Local Relief
Gifts to local relief efforts are accepted throughout the year and benefit those in need of assistance with housing, utilities
Lula Whilden World Missions Offering
Gifts to the Lula Whilden World Missions Offering are accepted throughout the year and support missions personnel and partners of the Alliance of Baptists, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of South Carolina. Envelopes are provided in the pews, and donations may be made online through Engage First. Annually, during the month of October, we remember the legacy of our fellow church member Lula Whilden and the current ministry done through our missions affiliates. All gifts made at the annual Candlelight service go to this offering.

The Foundation
What began in 1992 as the Faith Fund, an effort to support the missions programs of First Baptist in perpetuity, was merged with three other endowment funds in 2004 by a vote of the congregation and the First Baptist Church Foundation Inc. was created.
This gave the Foundation four funds: the Faith Fund for local, state, national, and international missions; the General Fund for ministries and special projects; the Leadership Development Fund for the education, training, or skills development of the laity and clergy, and the Property Fund for major maintenance or capital needs of the church property and facilities.
In 2019 the Foundation added a fifth fund, the Tithe Fund, that created a new endowed fund which would support the operating budget of the Church now and in the future.
The Foundation is designed to receive gifts over and above a donor’s annual giving to support operations, and allows donors to make current or planned gifts that can help the Church’s budget for years to come.
“The Foundation was never intended to compete with the operating budget,” said Gordon Herring, a former chair of the Foundation Trustee Board, “but it was intended to provide a vehicle for people to make gifts that would provide resources to support the ministries that were important to them not only today but into the future.”
The Foundation has disbursed more than $2.7 million since its beginnings as the Faith Fund in 1992. More information on the various ministries that are funded by the Foundation as well as information detailing the methods of distributing funds and giving to the Foundation is available in this brochure. Information can also be obtained by contacting one of the ministers or the church Finance Office.
Ways to Give
Consult your financial advisor to obtain the exact deduction for a gift you may be considering. You should consult your attorney about the applicability to your own situation of the legal principles found in the information below. But prayerfully consider these ways to give:
Outright Gifts
Cash is the simplest, most direct, and most popular type of charitable gift.
Securities and Real Estate
Gifts of appreciated property, such as securities and real estate, are also popular alternatives to cash. Such gifts generate a double tax benefit. In addition to receiving an income tax charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the property, the donor escapes any potential tax on the capital gain element in the property
Deferred Gifts
Charitable Remainder Trusts
The charitable remainder trust is a popular plan of the financial and estate planning flexibility it offers. A donor can transfer property under a trust agreement that specifies how trust income and principal are to be distributed, and the trust may be created to become effective during life or at death. Financial advisors can advise donors on the multiple options and forms qualifying for special tax consideration.
Gifts Under Your Will
Gifts under
Life Insurance
Life insurance itself can be a direct funding medium of a gift, permitting the donor to make a substantial gift for a relatively modest annual outlay.
(Deferred gifts letter of intent)
You can donate stock or real property to the church. Due to church policies and procedures in dealing with these gifts, time is required to process these types of donations to insure contribution credit by year’s end. Please contact Gail House for more information.