Youth Ministry
Youth Family
We call our youth ministry the “Youth Family” because we strive to create a safe space for students to be who they are while discovering and forming new pieces of their identities.
Just like a family, we see each other at our best and at our worst, but we continue to love one another and we share life together. We love discipleship, fellowship and social activities like mission trips, youth camps, and annual retreats. Choir, group games, shared meals, and hanging out are all important parts of our time together!
Our Youth Family is made up of youth from grades 6 through 12, adult volunteers, college volunteers, and staff. If you are looking for a place to belong, come give the Youth Family at First Baptist Greenville a shot!
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Wednesday (AYMC)
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Hang Time
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Fellowship Around The Table (bring your own dinner)
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Youth Bible Study
Sunday (AYMC)
9:15 am Youth Sunday School
4:00 pm – 4:50 pm Vocare Youth Choral Ensemble (meets in the Sanctuary Choir Room)
5:00 pm – 5:45 pm Bible Study & Games
5:50 pm – 6:10 pm Fellowship Meal (provided by youth families)
6:15 pm – 7:00 pm Bible Study & Games

Youth Trips & Retreats
Throughout the year, we get away from the business of school, sports, extracurriculars, and summer schedules to just spend time together. In the summer, we join other churches at Unidiversity Youth Camp and our high schoolers embark on their mission trip. During the school year, middle schoolers have a weekend-long missions blitz, we welcome new sixth graders at the merge Retreat, and we all get away for our Fall Retreat over Labor Day weekend.
Each of these retreats and trips create core memories for our whole Youth Family. In addition to having lots of fun, we also get to dig deeper into Bible study, discipleship, and missions – all essential topics for spiritual formation that are easier to explore when it’s just us, on retreat..
We love all the time we get to spend together, on regularly-scheduled Wednesdays and Sundays, but we find that the students who choose to travel with us for extended periods of time grow closer to one another and closer to God. If you’re looking to dive deep into the Youth Family, your faith journey, or just friendship and community, we hope you will travel with us!
Join us for all of our retreats this year!
Merge Retreat (for rising 6th graders): August 20, 2023
All Youth Fall Retreat at Camp Rockmont: September 2-4, 2023
Youth Winter Retreat: February 2-4, 2024
Middle School Mission Trip, Asheville, NC: March 8-10, 2024
High School Mission Trip: June 14-21, 2024
Unidiversity Youth Camp, Maryville College: July 8-12, 2024
Contact Sarah Carter to sign up.
Latest Youth News
Youth Winter Retreat
From January 31 to February 2, the Youth Family ventured to Winterplace Resort in West Virginia for their annual Winter Retreat. The youth enjoyed skiing, snowboarding, and snow tubing on Saturday. Overall, it was a great weekend filled with fun and time bonding with...
Youth Ministry Fundraising Week February 23–March 2
During this week, we’ll come together as a community, connect the youth with the wider congregation, and raise awareness about all the great things happening in our Youth Ministry. Plus, it’s a chance to support our ongoing and future ministry efforts! On February 23,...
Souper Bowl of Caring and Football Tailgate Party
Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday, February 9 Following Worship For more than 25 years, youth groups have made a united effort to use the energy of the Super Bowl® to collect dollars to help care for partnering people and communities. Immediately following worship this...
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