Engaged Aging
What Is Engaged Aging?
Our Engaged Aging Ministry is working to redefine the ideas and expectations of what it means to grow older in our culture. By 2030, adults 65 and older will make up 20% of the U.S. population—doubling in size since 2020—and we’re committed to being at the forefront of supporting this growing demographic. Engaged Aging offers vibrant opportunities to build community and deepen faith throughout the median and senior adult years. Together, we’re exploring new ways to embrace life, faith, and connection during these meaningful chapters.
Engaging Events
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Newsletter Sign-up
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Recently, the U.S. Surgeon General highlighted the critical role of social connections in fostering happiness and longevity in a report on “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation.” At First Baptist, we’re passionate about creating connection opportunities—with each other and with our faith community. Whether you’re new to town or simply looking to make new friends, we make it easy and fun to build meaningful relationships.
Click Here to Learn about Ways to Connect!
Day Trips and Outings with Our “Roadrunners”
Join our Engaged Aging Ministry for monthly outings and day trips around our community and beyond. Hop on the bus and enjoy conversations with those around you as we travel to different areas to explore, learn, laugh, and, of course, share great meals together. You can check out our upcoming Roadrunners activities on our signup page.
First Baptist Engaged Hikers
Let’s Take a Hike! For those who enjoy a good walk in the woods, put on your hiking boots, grab your favorite walking poles, and join us as we explore the beauty of the Upstate and Western North Carolina. To make the most of your time, you will want to be comfortable walking on uneven terrain and hiking moderate to easy paths.
Annual Engaged Aging Picnic and Fall Kickoff
Each fall we kick off a new season of events as we gather for food, fellowship and the roll out of our information about the upcoming year. This is a great event to learn about the life of our ministry and meet new people around the table.

Our Engaged Aging Ministry embraces the Church’s call to live out the Kin-dom of God, “on earth as it is in Heaven.” We believe community is more than just meeting—it’s about building meaningful, faith-filled relationships with one another. We hope you will explore ways you can deepen your connection and grow with us.
Click Here to Learn about Community!
Sunday School Gatherings
Our weekly small group gatherings on Sunday mornings offer an important place to find a consistent community that you can live life alongside. We have a variety of small groups with a range of demographics and teachings styles designed to offer a welcoming experience and caring faith family. Follow this link to learn more.
Friday Lunch & More
This monthly gathering is lead with our Neighborhood Partnership and allows our First Baptist family the opportunity to get to know the community around the church. We begin at 10:30am with a time of games or you can attend the monthly book club review before coming together for the main program, led by various speakers in the community. This is always followed by a delicious lunch. The cost of the meal is only $5 but we do ask you to reserve your space by signing up online, in person, or by phoning the office by the Wednesday before the event.
Spiritual Formation
Friday Morning Bible Study- All are invited to join this group on Friday mornings from 10:00-11:30am in the Cypress Room in the AYMC building. Currently studying the Gospel of John, this study is facilitated by Michelle McClendon,. Once this study concludes in January, the group will begin a study on 1, 2 and 3 John. You can contact Camille Loomis Rehnborg for more information.
Circle Groups
First Baptist Greenville is home to four Women on Mission groups or Circles. Groups gather monthly for Bible study, book study, mission study, and prayer. Groups support various mission partners through giving, as well as hands-on support. You can contact Camille Loomis Rehnborg for more information or learn more on the First Baptist Women’s Mission Group webpage.
Knit Wits
The Knit Wits group at our church works faithfully to make heartfelt items that remind others of the love of God. If you have ever been the recipient of a prayer shawl, baby bib, baby blanket, hat, scarf or another handmade knit or crochet item from our church, you know that these items are truly gifts. The group meets each month, September through May, on the second and fourth Wednesdays.
Caring for One Another

Engaging life in community allows us to care for others as well as be cared for when needed. This is the life of ministry. First Baptist offers a variety of ways for you to continue to share your gifts, wisdom, and talents in meaningful ways. Here are a few areas you can be involved.
Click Here to Learn about Ways to Care for One Another!
Volunteer for a Ministry Team
We have a number of lay-led ministries at our church where members share the love of Christ with their fellow congregants in tangible ways. Examples include: a Visitation Team, a Caregiver Support Team, a Card-writing Team, providing transportation to worship and to medical appointments, delivering meals, knitting keep-sake shawls and lap blankets, making and delivering flower arrangements, and serving as specially trained Stephen Ministers. Contact Kyle Matthews if you are interested in finding our more.
Yard Sale Volunteer
Turning unwanted items into partnership support, the Yard Sale weekend is one of First Baptist’s most anticipated and lively events of the year. Volunteers work throughout the year to prepare and price items to be sold. The proceeds from the sale benefit Neighborhood Partnership and Inasmuch Days, two ministries dedicated to serving the local community. These ministries provide essential services such as building handicap ramps, painting, yard work, supporting local nonprofits, organizing service days, and addressing emergency needs in nearby neighborhoods. You can click the Yard Sale link for more information.
Mission Backpack
Donate items to fill weekend food bags for local children and/or volunteer to shop for, fill or deliver the bags. If you are interested in serving, contact Elaine Barnhill at elainebarnhill@gmail.com.
Inasmuch Days
Inasmuch Days are opportunities to give back to our community throughout the year. It is also a great way to learn about organizations in our community and build relationships within the church family. You don’t have to be a member to participate, and all are welcome! You can follow this link for more information.
Visit our Community Engagement page and our Pastoral Care page for more great ways to serve!
Click through this album to see some of the fun!

Michael McEntyre
Minister of Engaged Aging
“I am thrilled to join a congregation with such a rich history, one that has been shaping and transforming the Greenville community and beyond for nearly 200 years. It is a privilege to be part of a church that not only acknowledges emerging trends in aging demographics but is also dedicated to creating a meaningful ministry to celebrate, care for, and equip those who have long contributed to our faith family. This commitment represents a beautiful ministry opportunity and one I am excited to engage.”
The Rev. Dr. Michael McEntyre is married to the Rev. Dr. Carol McEntyre, our Senior Minister. A native of East Tennessee, Michael earned his undergraduate degree from Carson-Newman University and completed his seminary education at George W. Truett Seminary at Baylor University in 2003. He later achieved his doctoral degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2019.