Adult Ministry

Sundays, 9:15–10:15 a.m.

Adults may choose from several different classes during the Sunday school hour

The classes are diverse in their approach to teaching and in the curricula they choose. Each class attempts to meet the individual and corporate needs of its members through study and fellowship. Many classes engage in mission projects and are active in ministry outside the class time. Our overall goal is to provide an environment of lifelong learning that enables adults to mature in faith, deepen relationships, and learn to invest their God-given gifts in ministry. We want to assist you in finding a class which meets your needs and in which you can grow and serve.

If you have questions, contact Camille Loomis Rehnborg.

The Adkins-Bouton Class

Age Range: Primarily couples in their 50s and 60s

Location: Room C403 (Rotunda entrance, up two levels)

Lessons come from a lectionary-based curriculum which promotes open discussion and study of biblical texts and its application in the life of the church and its members. They have an annual marriage retreat and plan their own fellowships, outings and mission projects. The class is named after two former teachers, Clista and Glen Adkins, and two current teachers, Becky and Ralph Bouton.

The LINK Class

Age Range: Singles, and couples, mostly in their 30s and 40s, many with children

Location: Room C319 (Rotunda entrance, up one level)

We are a diverse community of people who are striving to understand God and live out our faith at home, at work and in the world. We discuss a wide range of topics in our class, including theology, faith development, current events, and social justice issues. 

The Gayle Price Class

Age Range: Young couples and singles in their 20s, 30s and 40s

Location: C315 (Rotunda entrance, up one level)

Our class meets weekly on Sunday mornings for fellowship, Bible study, and discussion of current events and theological topics. We gather at 9:15 for fellowship and coffee. Sunday school begins at 9:30. We have fellowship and mission opportunities throughout the year, so make sure you’re on our e-mail newsletter list for more information. Our group is named after Dr. Gayle Bolt Price, a former teacher who is dearly missed by all.

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The Koinonia Class

Age Range: Couples and singles mainly in 40s and 50s

Location: Room C404 (Rotunda entrance, up two levels)

In addition to quality weekly Sunday morning lessons, this class plans periodic retreats, several yearly mission opportunities and plans regular adult-only and family-oriented fellowships. The class is named after the Greek word for fellowship.

The Rose/Grace Class

Age Range: Couples and singles with college-age to young adult children

Location: Room C318 (Rotunda entrance, up one level)

A class that stays on the ‘theological cutting edge’ with topics that range across the biblical, theological, and cultural perspectives. Class teaching, reflection and discussion is designed to focus on discernment of the role of Jesus’ message, the Bible and Christianity in daily life and in the larger society/world.

The Carson Class

Age Range: 50s+ singles and couples with adult children

Location: Room C317 (Rotunda entrance, up one level)

A discussion-oriented class whose members are active in leadership roles within the congregation and community. Their teaching team offers a wide variety of topics related to Christian living in the real world, biblical and theological study, and ethics. The class focuses on class care and support of members.

The Hope Class

Age Range: Mid-life couples and singles with adult children

Location: Room C320 (Rotunda entrance, up one level)

A discussion-based class which focuses on a wide variety of issues and topics related to Christian living in the real world. In the past, we have discussed navigating life transitions, business issues, cultural and social concerns, comparative religions and Bible study with a variety of speakers and teachers. We enjoy group socials outside Sunday morning, such as ballgames, theater performances and meals.

The Dr. M.T. Anderson Class

Age Range: Senior adult men

Location: Room C401 (Rotunda entrance, up two levels)

A Bible study lecture/discussion class with special emphasis on ministry to class members and community.

The Johnson Class

Age Range: Women 50+

Location: Room C316 (Rotunda entrance, up one level)

Prayer, ministry, and Bible study are reflected within this caring community of women. Lessons are taught using the Nurturing Faith Series. We have mission projects and class socials throughout the year.

The Seminar- Corder Class

Age Range: Mid 60s through 90s

Location: Parlor (Rotunda entrance, up one level)

A lecture/discussion class with a focus on Bible study and life application. The class emphasis is “Every Member a Minister” with Christian care and concern in action for members and others.

Joint Sunday School Options

Summer in the Fellowship Hall
Advent in the Fellowship Hall

Each summer and each Advent season, the Spiritual Formation Committee sponsors a combined Sunday School series of lessons for classes to come together and learn together. The topics and speakers vary from year to year but are publicized ahead of time.

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