Children's Ministry

Children’s Ministry at First Baptist Greenville seeks to help all children feel God’s love, learn to wonder and to grow in their faith. Our ministry programs are intended for children ages birth through 5th grade.
If you have any questions about the Children’s Ministry at First Baptist Greenville, please feel free to contact our Minister to Children, Rev. Bridget Kokolis by email or call (864) 233-2527 ext 117.
Sunday Morning Schedule
9:00-9:25 AM K4/K5 Choir
9:10 AM Early Drop-off for 1st-5th
9:25-10:15 AM Sunday School
10:30-11:30 AM Worship or Worship Care
Wednesdays at First Schedule
5:00 PM Dinner in Fellowship Hall
5:45 PM Spiritual Formation/Missions/Choir for ages 4 and up
* nursery provided for 3 and younger at 5:30 PM

Sunday School
Sunday School classes for infants through 3-year-olds are on the Nursery Hall. Sunday School classes for K4/K5 through Fifth grades are located on our Children’s Hall. When you enter the building, our greeters will welcome you and help you locate your child’s class.
Children at FBG spend the Sunday School hour experiencing the sacred stories from the Bible through Godly Play, a Montessori style form of Christian nurture that encourages a playful and wonder-filled approach to learning the stories of our faith.
Worship Care
During our 10:30 AM worship service we provide care in our nursery for children who are infants-3K. Children are cared for by trained nursery staff and/or trained volunteers during the worship hour. Pick up is at the conclusion of the worship service.
As a part of the worship hour on Sunday mornings, children four years old and older attend worship with their families. After the Children’s Sermon, our four- and five-year-olds are led by Worship Shepherds (trained volunteers) to Worship Care, which often includes Children’s Worship in the Carpenter Chapel. After Children’s Worship, the children are led by Worship Shepherds back to our Children’s Hallway. On Sundays without Children’s Worship, the children will be led directly from the worship service by Worship Shepherds to the Children’s Hall for playtime with their friends.

Wednesday Nights
On Wednesday Nights, our children gather for spiritual formation, art, recreation, missions, and choir.
3 Years and Younger
5:45-7:00 – Childcare on the Nursery hallway
K4 and K5
5:45-7:00 – Co-Creator Blocks on Children’s hallway
1st – 5th Grade
5:45-6:10 – Choir or Gathering Time
6:15-7:00 – Co-Creator Block
Co-Creator Blocks for 2024-2025
Block 1: Creation Station | 9/4, 9/11, 9/18, 9/25 |
Breathe Wednesday (no midweek) | 10/2 |
Block 2: Mission Station | 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30 |
Breathe Wednesday (no midweek) | 11/6 |
Block 3: Music Station | 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11 |
Thanksgiving Holiday (no midweek) | 11/27 |
Christmas/ New Year Holidays (no midweek) | 12/25, 1/1 |
Breathe Wednesday (no midweek) | 1/8 |
Block 4: Theater Station | 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5 |
Breathe Wednesday (no midweek) | 2/12 |
Block 5: Worship Creation Station (1st-5th) Mission Station (K4-K5) | 2/19, 2/26, 3/12 |
Spring Break (no midweek) | 3/19 |
Block 6: Science Station | 3/26, 4/2, 4/9, 4/16 |
Breathe Wednesday (no midweek) | 4/23 |
Block 7: Recreation Station | 4/30, 5/7, 5/14 |
Summer Break (no midweek) | 5/21 – mid-August |
Sunday Fundays
Each month during the school year, our First through Fifth Graders come together to have fun and grow in community. Often these monthly events have a missional component too. For most of these events, we will meet immediately following the worship service. For a small fee, we will provide lunch. For more information on this month’s event, click the “Registrations” link.
Our friends K5 and younger have Sunday Funday playground meet-ups where they can play and develop relationships. They also have the opportunity to engage in a few church-based events each year.
The best places to stay up to date about upcoming events and offerings are our Children’s Newsletter and social media pages.
Spring Offerings
CBF Children’s Retreat January 10-12
Parent Dinner Party January 23
Children’s Sunday Prep Days February 23, March 2, & March 23
Playground Playtime March 23
Children’s Sunday March 30
Discipleship Retreat April 6
Easter Egg Hunt April 13
5th Grade Luncheon May 4
Playground Playtime May 18