Churchwide Retreat—March 7-9, 2025

Churchwide Retreat—March 7-9, 2025

Our theme is Creation Calls and I Must Go. Our Senior Minister Carol McEntyre will be the featured speaker with music by Kiddo Grandes (Tom and Corbin Baker)—North Georgia, sho’ nuff, mountain musicians. Sessions begin Friday evening and culminate in worship on Sunday...
A New Class of Deacons

A New Class of Deacons

The Deacon Nominating Committee has completed its work to enlist the newest class of deacon nominees! The committee worked carefully and prayerfully to represent the best interest of our church. Wofford Green chaired this year’s committee: Don Carson Will Dodson...
Church Picnic 2024 Recap

Church Picnic 2024 Recap

Our Picnic Committee made this year’s Picnic one to remember! We enjoyed music from the Brooks Dixon Band, popsicles from Common Pops, meals from Uptown Catering, and time together in the church’s beautiful Garden. Enjoy these photos of all the fun! —Camille Loomis...
Sabbatical Reminders

Sabbatical Reminders

For ministers, sabbaticals are an expansion of the Sabbath idea of rest, a time to lay aside the day-to-day schedule of shepherding a congregation or group of congregants and intentionally focus on time outside of work. This time can be used creatively, focusing on...
Annual Church Picnic

Annual Church Picnic

After a tumultuous start to the month, our community could use a little fun. The whole church and wider community are invited to the fall Church Picnic on Sunday, October 20, 4-7pm. This year’s picnic will be in the FBG garden and parking lots near the playgrounds. In...
You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

The church staff and ministers continue to keep the church family in our prayers and on our hearts. We know that this has been such a difficult time for so many, and we have been encouraged by the ways that our community has come together to care for one another and...

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