Mar 14, 2024 | Church News, Lent/Easter
We are preparing for our Palm Sunday and Easter celebrations. To aid in our celebration, we will place palms in the Sanctuary on Palm Sunday and an arrangement of lilies as both honorary and memorial gifts on Easter Sunday. All lily gifts will be published in the...
Apr 4, 2022 | Church News, Lent/Easter, Rustlings
Palm Sunday Worship Service (Sanctuary) April 10, 10:30am Children sing and wave palm branches as we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. MidWeek Fellowship (Fellowship Hall) April 13, 6:15pm Jim Dant’s “When I Survey the Cross” series concludes...
Mar 22, 2021 | Church News, Lent/Easter, Rustlings
Three thousand Easter eggs will be hidden on Fluor Field Easter Sunday morning. (I’m not sure they’ll actually be hidden. How do you ‘hide’ brightly colored eggs on a well-manicured outfield? I’m guessing ‘scattered’ is more accurate.) I’ve been told the eggs will be...
Feb 22, 2021 | Church News, Lent/Easter, MidWeek Fellowship, Rustlings
Expectation (noun): what we have all learned to temper this year; something liable to change at the last second. From menial to major, we have learned that expectations exist to be challenged by reality. Jesus was all about challenging expectations about what kind of...