Reggio Run Registration Complete

Thank you for registering your child(ren) for the Reggio Run. A copy of your registration will be sent to the email provided on the registration. T-shirts will be delivered the week of the race, or you may pick up at the registration table the day of the race.

The Reggio Run is a fundraiser! Please pass this request and link along to family and friends to encourage donations in support of our school. Note: be sure to add your Child’s name(s) and class(es) at the end of the letter before sending!


First Baptist Day School is hosting their first annual Reggio Run on April 1! While the purpose of this event is to raise money, a fun run also promotes physical fitness, builds school spirit and pride, instills a sense of accomplishment, and creates a fun and memorable way for our students to participate in supporting their education.

Your participation and contributions are key for a successful fundraiser that will allow us to make improvements to our program and for continuing education for our teachers, so they can further educate themselves on the Reggio Philosophy. The Reggio Philosophy is a HUGE part of what makes FBDS so special, and it is so important to your children that we continue to support the continuing education efforts made by our staff.

In lieu of a per-lap amount, we are asking for a flat donation. The class that raises the most will get a special day, which they will be so proud to receive. Be sure to select the [xxx class] and the [xxx class] when you make a donation so it goes towards [child’s name(s)] chances of winning!

Thank you for your consideration and generosity!

Please email Liz Brown at with any questions.

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