Wednesdays at First activities and MidWeek Fellowship are scheduled to resume on Wednesday evening, September 4. This gathering of the congregation for food, fellowship, children’s music education, children’s mission education, study and prayer are an annual indicator that life is back to normal. Rhythms and routines have replaced the erratic movements of Summer. I feel settled.
The great mystery for many, however, is what will be taught during our MidWeek Fellowship service. In recent years, we’ve enjoyed the fruits of the spirit, toured the entirety of the Bible, had appearances by C. S. Lewis (well, an impersonator), studied The Exodus and even delved into Dicken’s A Christmas Carol! This year, YOU get to set part of the agenda! I am going to lead us in a light-hearted, inspirational, devotional study of…The Other 3:16s. Almost all of us memorized John 3:16 as a child, but why is that 3:16 any more important than all the other 3:16s in the Bible? To answer this question, we are going to study The Other 3:16s. Every biblical book doesn’t have a 3:16, and there are too many 3:16s to cover in one year of MidWeek Fellowship services…sooooo…..I want YOU to choose the 3:16s I have to teach!
Here’s how it works: Pick up your Bible, go from book to book and read each 3:16 (Chapter 3, Verse 16), decide which one you would most like to hear Jim teach, and email your choice to Jenna Manning ( by September 1. Then attend Midweek Service to learn about The Other 3:16s. This should be fun…and it will be inspiring!