Vacation Bible School for preschoolers was held on Sunday mornings during April and May. We studied the journey of the Israelites as they escaped captivity in Egypt and traveled to the Promised Land. We learned that God is with us in all circumstances. These pictures show how the children experienced the plagues, crossed the Red Sea, ate the food God provided each day and built a memorial to God when they arrived at their destination. Thank you to all of the parents and Sunday School teachers who helped make this a memorable experience for our Preschoolers.
Four and five year olds also participated in Art Experiences for a week in June. We studied the stained glass windows throughout our church. The children were fascinated by the symbolism of the windows and the stories they depict. Then we made our own stained glass creations. The children are pictured here proudly displaying their art.
To end the week we observed many different types and artist renderings of nativities and then made our own from pieces of wood – the giant oak tree from the garden that was cut down many years ago – and stones to represent the people of the Christmas Story. These projects allowed the children to both explore their own thoughts about stories in the Bible and express their thoughts through art.