Searching for a new ministry opportunity in our congregation? There will be a cost, you know, but there will also be great rewards. Stephen Ministry is the FBG congregation’s one-to-one, confidential, caring-giving ministry. Right now, we’re looking for members who are willing to pay the C-O-S-T: Commitment of Self and Time and become Stephen Ministers, remembering that the blessings will outweigh the costs. To find out more about this ministry, contact one of our Stephen Leaders today: Robin Barton, Wofford Green, Hazel Harris, Duke McCall or Ann Quattlebaum.
How to Request a Stephen Minister
If either you or someone you know is having a difficult time dealing with a life crisis and need the caring friendship and support of a Stephen Minister, please contact one of FBG’s Stephen Leaders/Ministers to ask for a referral card or get one at the church Reception Desk.