Stephen Minister applications are now available at the Visitor’s Desk and can be accessed online at the FBG Website. The Stephen Ministry Leadership Team encourages your prayerful consideration of volunteering for this important program that trains laypeople to provide one-to-one Christian care to hurting people in our congregation and community. Both men and women are necessary for this ministry to be successful since men serve as Care Givers for men and women serve with women. Presently, more women are needed to become Stephen Ministers than men, but men are still encouraged to apply.

Volunteering for this important ministry requires a major commitment, but it is one that is sure to provide valuable dividends in the areas of spiritual, personal and relational growth. Training will take place from 5:30-8:00pm on Tuesday evenings beginning September 3 and ending on January 14. (No training on November 26, December 24, and December 31.) Two six-hour training retreats will be held on Saturdays at dates to be determined.

All training materials are provided through a generous gift by the late Michael Stogner. Volunteers are expected to attend most training sessions, but we recognize that other responsibilities might necessitate an occasional absence. When that occurs, a leader will provide a one-on-one shortened tutorial session.

After new Stephen Ministers complete the 50 hours of training and are commissioned, they will join the Stephen Ministry team and participate in on-going continuing education and peer supervision from 4:45-7:30pm on the first and third Sundays of each month, mid-September through early June.

Applications are available at the Reception Desk or online at the church website ( Please place a sealed application in the Stephen Ministry mailbox across from the Pastoral Care offices or mail to Stephen Ministry at FBG. Interviews for each applicant will be scheduled once an application is received. The deadline for applications is July 15.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration of Stephen Ministry. Please direct questions to Wofford Green, Hazel Harris, Duke McCall or Ann Quattlebaum, members of the leadership team.

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