Souper Bowl of Caring

Sunday, February 9
Following Worship

For more than 25 years, youth groups have made a united effort to use the energy of the Super Bowl® to collect dollars to help care for partnering people and communities. Immediately following worship this Sunday, February 9, members of our Youth Family will be at Sanctuary exits collecting monetary donations in soup pots. Our collection this year will benefit Mercy Chefs, an organization working to feed people in Western North Carolina in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Mercy Chefs is partnering with First Baptist Asheville to provide a weekly meal for their community. Mercy Chefs’ website is listed here so you can learn more about their disaster response work,

Youth Football Tailgate Party

Sunday, February 9
6:00pm–End of Halftime
AYMC Terrace Level

The Youth Family will gather together to watch the big game. Youth are encouraged to bring friends for fellowship, enjoy the football game and commercials, eat yummy tailgate snacks, and win prizes.

—Andrew Tonks, Associate Minister of Youth & College

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