Focus on Missions

Although we are still enjoying the lazy days of summer, it is time to start thinking about our annual “School Tools” drive sponsored by the United Way of Greenville. “School Tools” is designed to provide underprivileged students in the Greenville area with school supplies to start the school year. Last year, due to the generosity of our community, backpacks and school supplies were given to over 3,000 students at the United Way’s “School Tools” distribution day.

First Baptist will be filling 150 bags. The bags will have a list of school supplies that go in the paper bag and can be picked up on a table near the reception desk beginning July 7. The date to return the bags will be on the bag, that you take. Backpacks are not required to be in your bag but all donated backpacks are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your generosity in helping the underprivileged children in our community start their school year with the supplies they need.

— Becky Bouton, Mission Committee

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