My days of marathoning have ended. I still run, bike, swim and engage in a host of physical activities, but running 26.2 miles in one morning has become a thing of the past. There are many things I miss about those long races. I miss the quiet comradery of like-minded folk, the hours alone with my thoughts, being able to eat anything I want and still maintain a healthy weight, the scenery of multiple race venues…and…the refreshment stations. During the typical marathon, there are refreshment stations every three to five miles. These tables are typically overseen by friendly supporters and provide water, energy drinks, bananas and energy bars. The best races tell you ahead of time what brand and flavor of energy supplement will be at the refreshment tables. This allows you to acclimate your body to that brand during training and better enjoy the provision during the race.
I have always viewed MidWeek Fellowship as the refreshment table of the church. In this marathon of life, it is the stopping point between Sundays. It is that moment during the week when you can slow down for a moment, take in some nourishment—both physical and spiritual—and then continue the week. Like every good marathon, we want you to know what is provided at these midweek stops. Our youth are provided ‘hang time’ (a time for fellowship, homework, supper…) from 3:00-6:00pm with a Bible Study following. Supper is served in the Fellowship Hall from 5:00-6:00pm. Our children will enjoy music and mission classes from 6:00-7:00pm. Our adults will engage a Bible Study and Prayers from 6:15-6:55pm. (This start-time gives parents opportunity to get their children to their classes.) It all begins this Wednesday, September 7, with a concert from the Bell Tower Ringers. This concert is not just sacred music. I’ve heard the presentation includes multiple other musical instruments, musical styles, and even a ukulele jam by yours truly! Next Wednesday, September 14, we will begin a study of the Book of Acts. This study will explore what the church looks like during times of transition and how she might be shaped in the future.
I’m sure you have the physical and spiritual strength and endurance of a hundred saints, but give yourself a break. Come relax and enjoy some fellowship with your faith family on Wednesday evenings. See you there…