This past weekend, I traveled for the first time since January. I took all appropriate COVID-19 measures: sanitized before and after fueling my car, was privileged to have two nights lodging in a safe and beautiful home, and was masked during any contact with other people. I was on Pawleys Island to perform a small, meaningful, beautiful wedding. In the time before and between and after rehearsal and service, I was able to walk on an almost deserted beach. I didn’t realize how much I had missed that sound…that wind…that smell…that sense of peace I feel wandering a coastline. I pondered the past, daydreamed about the future, and spent a lot of time mindful of the present. It was nice to be at peace…
This coming weekend, our congregation will have the opportunity to ‘gather in person for worship’ again. This is the second Sunday of the month, and we will once again take advantage of the expanse and beauty of the Peace Center downtown. You should have already received instructions for registration and safety protocols. If you have not yet made your reservation for seats (completely free but must be reserved), you may do so at
Last month’s service was so meaningful, and the opportunity to actually see each other was nourishing. I hope this Sunday you will BE AT PEACE.
Our text for this Sunday’s sermon is Philippians 4:4-9. A portion of this Sunday’s sermon will address the idea of peace. For some of you, I know some of the turmoil you are carrying. For others, you have understandably kept the struggle of your life close and hidden. Regardless of your chosen path, I hope you will be part of this worship hour. Allow the music, the prayers, the sermons, the daydreams, the ponderings, the surroundings, the presence of friends and the presence of God’s Spirit to bring some measure of peace to your life. This Sunday morning…be at peace…

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