Different folk prioritize their reading of different sections of the newspaper. Some read the headlines first. Others make their way to the sports page or obituaries or crossword puzzle or stock report first. If, however, you are looking for a job, you head straight for ‘Help Wanted.’ If you like looking at job openings, you’ll love this article. Help Wanted…..
Golf Cart Drivers: You must be 21 or older and willing to circle our parking lot on Sunday mornings in an electric golf cart, in search of persons with limited mobility. This job is too much fun!
Children’s Sunday School Teachers: If you love God, love children and are willing to give an hour each week—or monthly on a rotating basis—we would love to have you teach in our children’s department. You must complete all requirements for ‘Protecting Our Children’ certification. If you taught years ago and feel you’ve already ‘done your time,’ we would love to have you back for a year or two. Please don’t retire a valuable gift. This job reaps rewards for a lifetime.
Facilities Personnel: If you are able to lift chairs, clean offices, change a lightbulb (and a few other minor repairs) and do it all with a friendly demeanor, this job is for you….and best of all, this one pays—salary and benefits.
Singers: There is always a spot in the choir for new singers. If you’ve been thinking about joining a choir, there’s no better time than right now. Our music department has begun work on Advent/Christmas selections, and is there any better music in the world!
Stephen Ministers: If you would like to receive professional training and ongoing education in order to ‘walk alongside’ church members who are going through crisis, you might want to be a Stephen Minister. All you need is a caring heart, a little time each week and a willingness to learn and serve.
For more information on any of these job opportunities, please call the church office. Yes, if you read it and felt a little nudge, that was probably the Holy Spirit…give us a call…