How long have you been a member of First Baptist Greenville? Are there still people and places mentioned that haven’t made it into your field of experience? Let’s clarify a few today in our First Baptist Greenville Glossary.
Columbarium—A structure containing multiple niches for the respectful holding of the cremated remains of the deceased. Call the church office for more information concerning the purchase and reservation of a niche.
Media Center—Located across the hall from the Fellowship Hall, the Media Center provides an impressive collection of biblical study materials, children’s books, comfortable seating for small groups, computer stations, large screen television, and a collection of books written by members of First Baptist Greenville.
Prayer Garden—The church’s prayer garden is outside and to the left of our sanctuary (as you enter from the parking lot) and office entrance doors. The area includes: a beautiful labyrinth, inspiring artwork, manicured landscaping, and the columbarium. Events held in the Prayer Garden include: The Blessing of the Pets, Easter Sunrise Service, prayer retreats, weddings, memorial services, and of course, private meditation.
Whilden, Lula—In 1872, Lula Whilden (member of First Baptist Greenville) became the first single woman to serve as a career Southern Baptist Missionary. Lula’s heart was drawn toward the destitute and blind women of China. She assisted the destitute and started a school for the blind. Today, our annual mission offering is named for Lula Whilden. The proceeds from this offering support the mission efforts of: Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Alliance of Baptists, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of South Carolina and several individual missionaries. Lula Whilden is buried in Greenville’s historic Springwood Cemetery.
I hope this glossary has been helpful for the newbies and a reminder for the oldies. Don’t forget to contribute to the Lula Whilden Offering this Fall.

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