This year’s Holy Week will be like no other. We are accustomed to gathering in our Sanctuary to wave palms on Palm Sunday, gathering in the upper room (the Parlor) to remember the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, gathering in the Carpenter Chapel to venerate the cross on Good Friday, and then cramming (in the holiest of ways) into the Sanctuary for our Easter celebration. This year, as you probably suspect, we will gather online for each of these celebrations. I hope you will create the space to make each of these services meaningful and memorable for your family.
Here are a few suggestions and the schedule. 1) Create a worship space in your home for these Holy Week services. Have a designated table, draped with a cloth, adorned with a candle (that can be lit at the beginning of each service), and add a ‘symbol’ of each service (a palm branch for Palm Sunday, bread and juice for Maundy Thursday, a cross for Good Friday and a flower or stone for Easter). 2) Make sure your computer is nearby and visible. 3) Be present in this holy space for each of the Holy Week Services.
Palm Sunday Service, Livestream
Sunday, April 5, 10:30 am
Maundy Thursday Service, Livestream
Thursday, April 9, 7:00 pm
(This service will include the serving of communion and a contemplative recital presented by Shelton Ridge Love. Please have bread and juice available for your household to share as communion is led via Livestream)
Good Friday Service, Video
Friday, April 10, 7:00 pm
(This service will virtually walk the ‘Stations of the Cross’ that hang in our Carpenter Chapel. Readings and prayers will be offered at each station.)
Easter Sunday Service, Livestream
Sunday, April 12, 10:30 pm
(Soloists, prayers, instrumentalists and sermon will join to help us celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.)
This will be a Holy Week like no other. I hope you will join us and invite others to do so.

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