Camille Loomis Rehnborg has served as Pastoral Resident at First Baptist Greenville for almost a year. These ten months have been a time of learning and practice for Camille. They have been of mutual benefit to our church and staff, as well. During her administrative practice quarter, Camille infiltrated the complex infrastructure of our committee system. She delved into property, finance, personnel issues and more. She took copious notes and asked probing questions. She shared wisdom with regard to delicate decisions. She expressed a true appreciation for one of the most unseen and thankless realms of pastoral ministry—administration.
Camille then moved to her pastoral care practice quarter. Camille—via telephone, distanced visits, and a variety of other contacts—engaged the work of pastoral care during a pandemic. She cared for people she had never met. She nurtured a congregation she had never seen gathered. She prayed over the telephone, counseled in the Sanctuary, met members for outdoor lunches, encouraged new members (some who have never set foot in our Sanctuary), and consistently checked on staff—making sure we were all okay.
Camille is now moving through her preaching and worship practice quarter. We have already been challenged by her sermons. We have grown under her thoughtful teaching during MidWeek Fellowship Bible Study. We have enjoyed her input with regard to Sunday worship structure. This week, however, she is helping to open our senses to the vast expanse and experience of Holy Week. Camille laid her hands on the steering wheel of this high holy season and has led us to imagine the last week of Jesus’ life through all five of our senses. Each evening, at 7:00pm, a vesper will be posted via our internet venues. (You may easily access these on the homepage of our website.) Camille has helped us set a path to smell, taste, touch, see and hear this last week of Jesus’ life. Please do not miss any night of this series! I know you will find it meaningful.
On Sunday morning, we will gather for Easter services. We will already be filled and inspired by a week of meaningful vespers. I look forward to worshiping ‘in person’ with you at Fluor Field, at 8:00am, Easter Sunday morning. I also look forward to sharing time online during our broadcasted Easter Service at 10:30am. Easter Sunday is all about celebrating the living Lord among us. If you happen to see Camille, however, speak a word of gratitude for ministry she has offered and continues to offer. See you Sunday!