What we do on Sunday mornings is important. The influence of worship and prayer in our lives and in the world should not be minimized. Prayer is our subversive work in the world. Worship is, all at once, an affirmation of our allegiance to God and a rebellion against all competing powers and systems. Our worship strengthens us, encourages us, challenges us, and I trust, pleases our God. During these days of social distance and crowd dispersion, providing a time of worship via media resources is an important work of the church.
What we do as the church is important. Our church staff met today and discussed one pressing question—how will we use our resources to serve those within the circle of our influence? We will spend time contacting members who are in high risk groups to ensure they receive care. We will funnel resources and energy to persons whose income, food sources, and other primary needs will be threatened by this crisis. We will offer our technology to other churches and community organizations to allow them continued visibility and viability. The list goes on…because we know what we do as the church is important
What each of us does as a member of the Christian community is important. I hope you will find ways – look for ways – to serve and undergird your neighbors, our church and our community during this uncertain chapter. Call people who are aged or live alone and let them know you are thinking about them. Help your children learn to play – to discard the idea of boredom and use their imaginations. Be generous if you can. If you eat in restaurants, tip well. Purchase gift cards from locally owned businesses whose cash flow might be lessened. Refuse reimbursements from arts venues and allow the money to be a donation. Be generous with your gifts to the church and other non-profits. In economically trying times, gifts to the church and non-profits tend to wane while at the same time the financial demands on these caregiving entities increase.
I heard a television pundit say yesterday, “I hope we survive all of this.” I smiled. We can thrive through all of this! Remember who we are. Remember whose we are. Let’s continue to be Christ’s church in God’s world.