God’s generous nature has been evident since Genesis 1 – giving light, breath, presence, law, prophets, teachings, healings, sunshine, rain and a host of other daily blessings; but in the person of Jesus, God goes above and beyond God’s daily generosity. It is an extreme gift of love.

With the blessing of our Finance Committee and Diaconate, our Stewardship Committee is calling us to a season of extreme love and generosity during Lent. At our ‘State of the Church Address’ last September, we mentioned the need for a soft capital campaign to provide needed upgrades in our Sanctuary lighting, technology, worship paraments, and transportation. The total financial need is $350,000 and we’ve added $50,000 for missions creating a total of $400,000.

The plan? During these days of Lent, prayerfully consider the amount you can give above and beyond your regular generosity to the church. A week prior to Easter, you will receive an offering envelope in the mail. (On Easter morning, they will be provided as well.) We will collect an offering on Easter morning and hopefully fully fund the $400,000 goal following our 40 days of Lenten prayer. Members wishing to give online may do so by marking the gift for the “Easter Offering.”

Easter is an incredible miracle in the history of our world. It would be a beautifully miraculous moment for our church to fund these needs in one day! Again (we can’t say this enough), without reducing our regular gifts to the church, I am going to dip into my savings and make an extreme gift of love on Easter Sunday morning. I hope you’ll do the same…

Knowing we each travel the Lenten path in different ways, if this in any way interferes with your Lenten practice, please set it aside and address it after Easter. I look forward to celebrating with you on Easter morning! He is risen, indeed!

— Jim

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