It has been delightful to see and hear members of our congregation making summer plans. We limited our travel, family gatherings, and explorations over the last two years to help protect the larger human family. With COVID-19 numbers down (and even with petroleum prices up), we are beginning to travel again. Some have already shared pictures and stories from the National Parks in the west. Others have donned the ears of a famous mouse or wielded the wands of their favorite wizards in amusement parks to our South. Still others have crossed the pond and enjoyed the mountains, wines, coasts, and carte du jour of other countries. I have planned my fair share of travel as well. I’ll be as close as an adjoining state to visit the grandchildren and as far as the Middle East. Wherever your Summer takes you—or even if staycations are your 2022 preference—I hope your plans work out just like you want them.
Once the Summer travel has ended, a new school and church year will be upon us. It is not too early to plan for those months as well. I want to encourage you to guard Wednesday evenings in your future plans. MidWeek activities provide an opportunity for us to deepen our understanding of faith and deepen our relationships with one another. For your children, Music and Mission education is provided. The music they learn will shape their understanding of faith and the mission education and action they engage will prepare them to be God’s servants in the world. Our midweek meal and Bible study allow adults to sit, talk, explore and learn. It’s a time to get to know God and one another better. A hundred things will vie for your time on Wednesday evenings during the Fall: extended hours at work, dance, soccer, television programming, etc… I hope you will plan your Fall with the same intention you plan your Summer. It is a priority to spend time with family relaxing in the Summer. Allow it to be a priority for your family to deepen their faith during the Fall. Plan to guard that evening now.
Safe travels…and I’ll see you in worship on Sunday morning…if you’re in town.