Carson, Laura, Anna, Tina, Jonathan, Rick, Lita, Jessica, Lynn, Michael, Frank, Karen and many more field personnel (missionaries) in many more countries and regions of the United States got paid in 2021. Not only did they receive salaries, but some received additional funds from First Baptist Greenville to aid in their programming needs. I’ve already received ‘end of year thank-you notes’ from: Baptist World Alliance, the Alliance of Baptists, several Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Agencies, United Ministries, local counseling services, and a host of other local service organizations. Each of these centers for ministry were able to accomplish their good work with promised funds from First Baptist Greenville.
The employees of our church did not miss a paycheck: ministers, administrative staff, facilities staff, AYMC staff, Day School staff, police officers, and a host of other servants. All salaries and benefits were fully funded.
In addition to regular ministries and methods, we were able to creatively shape and improvise new ministries for our church and community. When COVID-19 prevented homeless families from using our church for shelter, we easily afforded hotel rooms and off campus meals. When outdoor programming was necessary due to the pandemic, we were able to celebrate Easter and hunt eggs at Fluor Field. Monetary scarcity never kept us from accomplishing the ministry needed.
While it may seem mundane to some, we were able to replace a cooling tower this past year, fund the roofing of several buildings on our facility, upgrade technical equipment to increase our broadcast capabilities, and begin work on the expansion of the columbarium. Our property has been shown good care.
How did all this happen? For the eighth budget cycle in a row—eight years in a row—your gifts exceeded the Mission and Ministry Plan budget. Your generosity has ensured that space has been created for God to do God’s work throughout our community and world. I’m not sure what to say, except…thank you…and maybe, WOW! May the generosity and commitment continue as we face a new year together.