It’s probably on your back burner. Maybe you’ve set the idea aside because you truly believe you do not need it. Maybe you’ve set it aside because you’re not sure it’s worth the cost. Maybe it just got lost in the shuffle of a hundred other things you are presently doing and a hundred more things vying for time on your calendar. Whatever the case, if you have not registered for our 2019 Church Retreat, I want you to register today. Here’s why…
You need a break. Don’t look at retreat as ‘one more thing you have to do.’ Embrace this time as a gift to yourself. There is childcare provided for your preschooler and child. The chairs are already arranged, the music is live, the lessons are meaningful and brief…and on Friday night the cash bar is open. Really, give yourself a break and relax…
You get to know your church family better. We are a large congregation. Most of us are acquainted with only a small portion of our faith family. In the tight schedule of any Sunday morning or Wednesday evening, we rarely have time to talk, laugh, share our stories, share our struggles and enjoy casual company. At retreat, however, I always see new friendships emerge and old friendships deepen. People find sofas and corners and cups of coffee and time to get to know one another. This is your faith family…your church home…let’s spend some time together…
You need to hear what will be said and sung. This year’s retreat ‘Bless Your Heart’ is an entertaining but inspirational twist of southern humor and biblical truth. The music of Kate Campbell and my session lessons will be geared toward helping you add some joy, stability and purpose to your day-to-day life.
This edition of The Branch is solely dedicated to our annual retreat. Read each article, then register. The retreat is in town at the Westin Poinsett Hotel. It’s less expensive than years past. It’s open to the public, so you can bring a friend or friends. There’s no need for it to be on the back burner any longer. See you there!
— Jim

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