In a world filled with division and derision, I’m proud to be a member of First Baptist Greenville. I delight in our willingness to listen to, learn from, work with and respect those who differ from us. We have discovered that we can be distinctively who we are, while appreciating the beautiful diversity of God’s creation and its many faith expressions. I’m proud to be a member of First Baptist Greenville.

I’m delighted to announce our church will be co-sponsoring an Abraham Build with Habitat for Humanity this fall. Laura Stout, our Missions Coordinator, will be sharing more details later in the year, but for now, know we have committed to hammer, paint, garden and more besides our fellow co-sponsors from the Muslim, Jewish and extended Christian community in Greenville. The home will be a symbol of our love for each other and our common care for the needy of our world.

I’m also delighted First Baptist is a co-sponsor of the upcoming Greenville Jewish Film Festival. Held the same weekend as our church’s retreat, film festival organizers have ensured none of the featured films are shown during our retreat sessions! This inaugural festival will include showings of: Fanny’s Journey, Humor Me, and Heading Home. Tickets are selling fast…Fanny’s Journey and festival passes for all three films are SOLD OUT! Tickets are still available, however, for Humor Me and Headed Home. I know February 28-March 3 is a busy weekend – especially with our church retreat schedule, but if you love good cinema…and if you love building community…I hope you’ll attend at least one of these featured films. Complete information (and our church’s logo) may be seen at the following website:

– Jim

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