On December 28, 48 pilgrims associated with First Baptist Greenville (FBG) will embark on the inaugural “Cruise the Bible Pilgrimage.” Some are long-time members, some are new, and some are friends. Rev. Joy Yee and I will be leading the learning sessions. Jenna Manning is handling all the travel/financial logistics. (Thank goodness!) I’ve led numerous pilgrimages to the Holy Land. It’s always a joy to see travelers engage the story of Jesus, engage the people of Palestine/Israel, and embrace their God in new, meaningful ways.

This pilgrimage will be different in several ways. One, we are not focused exclusively on the life of Jesus. We will be cruising, teaching and engaging the full chronology of the Bible! We will make our way to Egypt (learning about the family of Abraham and their eventual enslavement in Egypt). From Egypt we will cruise to Israel (learning of the Exodus, the settlement of Canaan, and the eventual advent of Jesus). From Israel, we will sail to Turkey and Greece (learning about the spread of the gospel). Two, I’ve never been to these places. On this pilgrimage, we will all be seeing the world with fresh eyes. Finally, there are 48 pilgrims going! Usually I limit pilgrimages to 22 participants, but it was hard to turn anyone down for this experience.

Every pilgrimage changes lives…and has a positive influence on the church. Pray for these individuals as they travel. May they receive the gifts God has for them…and bring back these gifts to our church.

Ann Bivens
Mamie Booker
Pat Booker-Christy
Cassandra and Gordon Bray
Linda Caillet
Jim Dant
Meggie Dant
Herlane and Tyrone Edwards
Andreia Golden
Ann Golden
Sarah Hipps
Cindy and Pam Kenney-McIntyre
Eunmi Koo
Carroll and Steve Luck
Harriet Major
Jenna Manning
Anne Martin
Louis Mathis
Sarah McGregor
Clark and Nancy Mizell
Debbie Mobley
Mary and Rob Pyett
Mary Rankin
Bob Simmons
Carol Singleton
Charlene and Richard Stenhouse
Jim Stewart, Kathy Stewart
Bill and Jeanie Stoddard
BK and Dale Sutton
Ariane and Robert Taylor
Bert and Mittie Taylor
Diane and Don Thompson, Ryan Thompson
Anne Woods
Joy Yee

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