Tim Fisher, of Lifewire Tech for Humans, estimates that more than half the technical problems we experience with our computers are fixable with a simple restart. While our computers are running, we open and close programs that leave behind an electronic footprint of unclosed background processes that make our machines sluggish. Restarting the computer gives us a clean slate and a smoother, faster running machine. I am by no means a tech expert, but I do know the value of a restart.
This Sunday, August 21, is Promotion Sunday. It might also be called Restart Sunday. Our children will promote to the next grade level in Sunday School. Mrs. Becky, Mrs. Sarah, our teachers, and other volunteers have readied classrooms and curriculum. They’ve already begun praying for your child. Our youth kickoff a new season of meaningful and fun activities this Sunday. Pancakes in the morning and a block party in the afternoon sandwich moments of Bible Study, worship, and meaningful friendship. Our adult Sunday School classes are in full swing. In addition to our regular classes, church members and the community at large will be offered a new learning opportunity—Forum@First. I’ll be teaching an Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures class in the Fellowship Hall to launch this learning ministry. During worship, we will sing, pray, enjoy the dedication of a baby, and begin a series of sermons that carry us through our Senior Minister transition to a healthy and hopeful future. It is Restart Sunday.
So, here’s the deal. If you have been sluggish in your spirituality and commitment to the church, this is Restart Sunday. If you’ve been moving slower on Sunday mornings, locking up when it comes to attending Bible Study, or jamming your time with activities other than Bible Study and worship, this is Restart Sunday. I’m encouraging you to unplug from all the background processes that have kept you from fully engaging your community of faith and restart your engagement with your church family. This Sunday, reunite with your Sunday School class, find your pew in worship, and enjoy the benefits of a restart. I’ll see you Sunday!