Every August, the Youth Ministry prepares to welcome a new class of 6th graders to the Youth Family. Excitement radiates throughout the terrace level of the AYMC as they descend the steps as youth for the first time. The journey through middle school can be tough; in fact, it seems most people prefer not to think back on their middle school experience. Mary Carol and I want to ensure that these new 6th graders do not embark on this journey without the support of their Youth Family behind them. On Sunday, August 18, the Youth Ministry will greet them with breakfast and a morning of fellowship in their new home within the church. As they join us at the table, they become one of the Youth Family.

On Sunday, August 25, from 5:00-7:00pm, all youth parents are invited to join the youth staff in the Fellowship Hall for our Parent Youth Night. Following dinner, youth will go downstairs for games and fellowship. This is an important event within the life of the Youth Ministry because this is when you as a parent discover every opportunity for growth your youth has over the next several years. Important dates are laid out, Bible study curriculum is discussed, special guests present, and parents can ask any and all questions they may have. It is an invaluable evening that will make your life as a youth parent many times easier as the new academic year begins. We look forward to seeing you there.


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