First Baptist MinisTREE
In partnership with United Ministries, members of First Baptist Greenville will provide presents to make Christmas brighter for families in the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) and other families in our community.
How You Can Participate
There are two ways to participate:
- You may stop by the church and choose an ornament from the tree, which will have a wish list item printed on it. Return your unwrapped gift by Sunday, December 10. Include a gift receipt, if able. Put your name next to your ornament # on the sign-up list, and follow further directions on the table next to the MinisTREE.
- You may select a gift from our online wish list at All gifts will need to be shipped to or dropped off at the church no later than Sunday, December 10.
Visit the online MinisTREE wishlist
Click here to buy gifts online for the 2023 MinisTREE!