The college ministry of which I was a part at Appalachian State was the spark that ignited my call into vocational ministry. First Baptist Boone, in conjunction with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina, provided a place for any sojourning student to come and fellowship, learn and grow. It was my college minister who married Celine and me last October after we met while attending weekly Wednesday night Bible studies. It was my college Sunday school class that got me through the difficulties that came with growing up. It was where everyone chuckled when I declared that I was going to seminary instead of taking my dream job with a law enforcement agency – they had figured out that truth long ago. It was a place that I will always remember as my home while I made the leap into adulthood.

First Baptist Greenville is the perfect environment for a thriving college ministry. In fact, there is already a lot of collegiate programing being offered throughout the year: Pasta and Fellowship with Jim Dant, a Winter Retreat, summer Bible studies and lunches, and our Christmas Party. What more can we do? It has come to our attention that there are many college students coming through our doors every week that are not able to connect with one another. We want to make that connection happen.

On Sunday, April 28, our College Committee will be hosting a free lunch for college students in the Fellowship Hall following worship. All college students are welcome, and we invite you to bring a friend. There is no programming attached. We simply want to meet you and connect you to the other college students active in our church. We hope you will join us!

— Will


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