June 2
Clarence Jordan, presented by
Tony McDade
June 9
William Wilberforce, presented by Jonathon Brown
June 16
Lula Whilden, presented by
Louise Stanford
June 23
C. S. Lewis, presented by Kevin Treu
June 30
The Wesley Brothers, presented by
John Burwell
July 7
Fr. Camilo Torres Restrepo, presented by Manuel Rueda Torres
July 14
Fanny Crosby, presented by
Vivian Hamilton
July 21
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, presented by
Dylan Rigg
July 28
Matt Rollins (not a hero of the faith), presenting his doctoral project final results and conclusions
August 4
Sojourner Truth, presented by
Kristan Pitts
August 11
SS Teacher Appreciation breakfast (Optional joint lesson in the Chapel for all others)
August 28
Promotion Sunday and Sunday School Open House