In commemoration of Juneteenth, the church offices will be closed this year on Wednesday, June 19. As a reminder, Juneteenth, short for “June Nineteenth,” marks the day in 1865 when federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, to take command of the state and ensure that all enslaved people were set free. Before television and the internet, news traveled slowly. The Emancipation Proclamation had been issued years earlier, and the Civil War had ended two months prior, yet some 250,000 Black people were still enslaved in Texas. Scholars believe enslavers intentionally withheld the information that the Civil War had ended. However, on June 19, 1865, US General Gordon Granger landed in Galveston proclaiming: “All slaves are free.” Reports state that some enslaved people reacted to the news with shock, but many others immediately erupted in Jubilation. They began celebrating with prayers of praise to God, feasting, singing and dancing. Thus, Juneteenth became known as Freedom Day, Liberation Day, and Jubilee Day!

Closing the church offices for Juneteenth reflects our commitment to inclusivity and reminds us of God’s desire for all people to have the freedom to live an abundant life. For me, Juneteenth is a day to lament the suffering that raced-based slavery inflicted, to reflect on the progress we have made toward racial equity, and to recommit myself to the work of building a community of faith and a world rooted in the values of Christ’s kin-dom.

In the Wake of Paul: Sailing the Turquoise Coast
When I came to First Baptist for my in-view-of-call weekend, many of you asked if I would organize trips to Israel. This question came up multiple times throughout the weekend! My call weekend was before the current heartbreaking conflict in Israel, but it highlighted your interest in travel for spiritual formation and growth. I began thinking about alternative destinations that would nurture this same passion. As a result, I have put together a trip to Turkey entitled “In the Wake of Paul,” set to take place from September 10-21, 2025. Paul and his companions took to the seas to spread the message about Christ’s love. We will follow in Paul’s wake and cruise along the picturesque Aegean coast on a traditional Turkish gulet boat. Spots for the trip are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. You can learn more and register here.

—Carol McEntyre

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