At the recent church-wide Epiphany breakfast, I had the opportunity to share my strategy for the initial 90 days as your new Senior Minister. I created a plan to remind myself what I wanted to focus on these first few months. In case you missed it, here are some of my key priorities and hopes for this important time:

Church (Internal)
• Get to know people in the congregation and learn as many names as possible (I appreciate your willingness to wear name tags and remind me of your names!)
• Meet with the church lay leadership and hear about the church from their perspective (I am beginning with the deacon officers and chairs of Standing Committees.)
• Build relationships, trust and collegiality among the Ministerial Staff
• Begin to get to know all the support staff
• Prioritize Preaching and Worship Excellence
• Gain an understanding of the facility and church finances
• Take advantage of my fresh eyes and perspective and record my observations

Community (External)
• Identify key community leaders with whom I need to meet (I need congregational assistance with this.)
• Seek out connections with area clergy

• Establish a predictable weekly schedule, including healthy work and personal time boundaries (I’m observing Fridays as my weekly day off/my Sabbath day for rest, worship and play.)
• Make sure I spend time with Michael and nurture our marriage
• Support and care for my children, Nate and Marin, as they adjust to life in Greenville
• Care for my body by exercising regularly and my spirit by consistently engaging in spiritual practices like silence, scripture reading and prayer
• Connect with and schedule my first meeting with a ministry coach

With hopeful anticipation for the days ahead,

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