Join us at 6:00pm on Wednesday, February 14, for an experiential Ash Wednesday Worship Service in the Sanctuary as we embark on the sacred journey of Lent. Adults, youth and children are encouraged to participate in the service. Childcare on the nursery hallway will be available for those three-years-old and younger.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season, a time of introspection, repentance, and spiritual renewal leading up to Easter. During Ash Wednesday worship, we’ll receive ashes on our foreheads, symbolizing our mortality and dependence on God.
This year, our Ash Wednesday Worship Service will also serve as the kick-off for my Lenten Sermon Series on Jesus’ “I am” statements in the gospel of John. In the Gospel of John, Jesus utters a series of profound statements known as the “I Am” declarations:
I Am the Bread of Life. (John 6:35)
I Am the Light of the World. (John 8:12)
I Am the Gate. (John 10:9)
I Am the Good Shepherd. (John 10:11)
I Am the Resurrection and the Life. (John 11:25)
I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 14:6)
I Am the True Vine. (John 15:1)
These statements offer a glimpse into the divinity of Christ, providing rich insights into his nature and ministry. Throughout the Lenten season, we will explore these statements on Sunday mornings and during Wednesday night MidWeek Fellowship, co-led by Minister of Pastoral Care Kyle Matthews and me. We will learn about the significance of the “I am” statements, enjoy music based on these passages, reflect on their implications for our faith, and experience guided prayer around the images from the statements.
We encourage you to join us for Ash Wednesday as we begin this significant season of the church year. The promise and beauty of Easter joy is more profound and meaningful when we actively engage in the reflective practices of Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season.