Sunday, October 27, will mark the 8th year we have partnered with the Nicholtown community to provide a Trunk or Treat experience for children from Nicholtown and First Baptist.   

For the last several years, we have served over one thousand children from the trunks of First Baptist and Nicholtown Baptist members. The church-wide missions focus for October is collecting candy for Trunk or Treat taking place on the last Sunday in October in the Parking Lot of the Phillis Wheatley Community Center. All persons providing trunks should arrive by 4:30pm to decorate and be prepared for the children.

Please bring your donations to the church during October and place in the collection boxes located throughout the church. In addition to treats, we also need about fifty trunks filled with goodies and someone to pass them out to the eager children. You may want to decorate your trunk, but it is not necessary. You are encouraged to come out and enjoy a fun evening of fellowship and service in Nicholtown. We’d love to hear from you if you can provide a trunk.

The last two years Kristy Buchanan and Tess Camp have collected costumes for the children in Nicholtown. This year they are collecting them again. New or gently used costumes can be brought to the church and placed in the collection boxes throughout the buildings or dropped off at my office by the end of the day on Wednesday, October 23. Our goal is to have a large number of costumes available from which children can choose at the Phillis Wheatley Community Center several days before the Trunk or Treat.

This year there are three ways to be involved in our partnership. You can provide candy for the event, provide costumes for the children in Nicholtown or provide a trunk on October 27 to ensure all of our children have a safe, fun-filled evening of fellowship with our neighbors. I encourage you to find your Fall spirit and do all three! We need a truckload of candy, and that may not be enough!


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