JUNE 9-23

FBG has the pleasure of hosting Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) again, as we have done so many times in the past. This time, our dates are June 9-23. We have had hundreds of positive comments about how well our church has treated our guests as well as continued to follow them on their journeys, celebrating their success stories. From the food that you make to the hosting of the evening meal, to the overnight hosts, our church has stepped up to assist those in need of a place of peace and encouragement.

When we host for two weeks, it becomes more of a challenge because we need twice as many meals and hosts as we normally do. You can sign up to help at www.pyett.net where you will find a link to Signup Genius. We are in real need of overnight hosts, in that we only have 7 of the 14 slots filled. This particular job entails arriving at 8:00pm and simply spending the night on the cots in the host room so that if an emergency occurs someone from the church will be here to assist. After the families leave at 7:00am, your job is finished. This is the hardest slot to fill, and we do need help. Any host must have completed the Protecting Our Children Class security check. Other openings do not require the class. You are welcome to bring your own air mattresses, sleeping bags or mattress toppers to make your stay more comfortable.

We are still in need of 4 meals and evening hosts on 6 nights. Evening hosts arrive at 5:00pm, eat dinner with the families, play games, and simply get to know our guests. They are relieved at 8:00pm by the overnight hosts. The amount of food needed for the meals varies based upon the number of people in the three families we are hosting. We will provide more specific information prior to the week.

Please consider giving of yourself and your time to assist the journey of these homeless families as they move toward home ownership and self-sufficiency.

— Mary Pyett, IHN Coordinator

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