I have missed our time together around the tables in the Fellowship Hall. From the many questions I have received about when they begin again, I don’t think I am alone in it. It is nearing time for our family reunion—Wednesdays at First activities resume on September 4. Our family will be reunited. I look forward to hearing the chatter and laughter as we get caught up with each other. If you are new and don’t feel quite like family yet, no worries. Fellowship around the Wednesday Night Supper table will make you feel like family in no time. Be sure you are at the table!
The regular schedule of Wednesday evenings is included here. In addition to Wednesday Night Supper, there are activities for all ages. There is a nursery provided for the youngest ones, age 3 through grade 5, have Children’s Missions followed by Children’s Choirs, grades 6 through 12 have Youth Hang Time and Bible Study, and adults have MidWeek Fellowship and Sanctuary Choir rehearsal.
Be sure all preschool and elementary aged children are registered for the 2019-2020 year. We have made it easy at this link.
You can make Wednesday Night Supper permanent reservations, make weekly reservations or alter your reservations at this link.
MidWeek Fellowship requires no registration and is not to be missed. It is a more intimate time of prayer and Bible study in a relaxed atmosphere. Read on below to see what Jim has in store for us this year.
If you are interested in the Sanctuary Choir, contact Vivian at vivian.hamilton@firstbaptistgreenville.com or 233-2527 ext. 124. Nursery care during rehearsal is available upon request.
Don’t miss out on family time. I’ll see you at supper on Wednesday, September 4!