In less than two weeks, we will be celebrating the AYMC’s tenth birthday. It’s going to be an incredible weekend of celebrating in which I hope you will be a part.
First, on Saturday, August 24, we will have the 8th annual C. Dan Joyner Mission Backpack 5K, 1 mile walk and children’s fun run. There will be runners, walkers and a host of children running around, playing in the bounce houses, slides and sprinklers. Some will bring their strollers and leashed pets. It’s a real family affair in which everyone is welcome. Take a minute and go to the church’s website to register ( There’s a price increase on August 19, so you’ll definitely want to register before then.
Second, on Sunday, August 25, we will gather for worship in the AYMC gym. I know that may seem a long way away from your Sunday School class, but we will have the minibus available to pick you up in the breezeway between the Rotunda and the Fellowship Hall and drop you off at the AYMC. We can also take you back after the service. Since the service is in the gym, feel free to wear casual, gym appropriate clothes, even your favorite school colors, and don’t worry, there will be chairs to sit in. (If that doesn’t feel comfortable to you, you are still welcome to come in your Sunday best.)
Following worship, there will be an open house and a reception to give you time to look around, ask questions and see what we’re all about. You will also have an opportunity to fill out an enrollment form to join and be part of our ministry if you’d like.
See you on the 24th—and the 25th!