It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! The Flower Guild is busy preparing our spaces for the holiday season. To allow you a few days more to respond, I have extended the deadline for ordering poinsettias to Friday, November 29. Get your orders in now!
The decorations are provided by the donations of church members. Church members may purchase poinsettias to help provide all of our decorations. The poinsettias may be given in memory of a deceased loved one or in honor of a living person. A list of all memorials and honor gifts will be published in upcoming editions of the newsletter. We have an online option for giving again this year. If you are interested in providing a poinsettia, visit and follow the instructions to submit your dedications. You may even pay online! If you would prefer, you may still mail the following information and your payment (checks payable to First Baptist Church) to me at church or drop it off at the Reception Desk. Orders and checks ($30 each) should be received by Friday, November 29.
—Kimberly Coates, Music & Worship Ministry Assistant