The 11th Tradition of Alanon and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) begins, “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion…” As such, you will rarely see a billboard, television commercial or magazine ad enticing you to attend a support group meeting. Rather, it’s assumed those in need find those in need. Our paths cross in such a way we tell each other where we found serenity (Alanon) and sobriety (AA). One person helps another person toward health.
Last year, it was relatively easy for us to find our way to a series of MidWeek Fellowship services to learn more about the 12 Steps. The Fellowship Hall was packed—Wednesday after Wednesday—with persons seeking some measure of relief from the toll addiction was taking on their lives. For me, these gatherings are just a beginning. Learning ‘about’ the 12 Steps is a first movement toward ‘studying and working the 12 Steps’ in the supportive community of an Alanon or AA group. While loving and caring for an addict in my life, I found in Alanon the wisdom, support and community that afforded me daily serenity. I have continued to make Alanon a part of my life because 1) the principles practiced there apply to all other struggles of life and 2) it is my gift to every newcomer who makes their way to the room for the first time. There were people in the room for me…I want to be there for others.
Our church is fortunate to now have AA and Alanon groups meeting here on Monday evenings. The AA group is a ‘closed group’—only persons who have a problem with alcohol may attend. The Alanon group is open to anyone who has a family member or friend with an alcohol problem. Both groups meet at 6:00pm: AA in the Prayer Room (at the church belltower entrance) and Alanon in the Atkins-Bouton Classroom (same entrance, down the hall). I hope to see you there.