What happens when 23 fourth and fifth graders spend the weekend together at church? SO MUCH FUN!
Not only did we have a great time together, we learned a ton about what it means to be a modern day disciple of Christ.
Our weekend included field trips to hear the faith stories of four of our church members, a prayer rotation in which we learned 7 different ways to listen to and talk with God, a shopping trip downtown to purchase Thanksgiving decorations for IHN and for the Burmese family our church has adopted, and spending the night in the new library! We also enjoyed a scavenger hunt around our church building, “air baptisms” with Pastor Jim and a visit to the baptismal pool, and even shared communion together before bed.
It was a beautiful time together to learn about journeying with Christ our whole life long. I’m already looking forward to our Discipleship Retreat next fall!