World Within Weekend

Please join us for our “World Within Weekend” celebrating the self-care and caregiving ministries of the church

Saturday and Sunday, January 25-26, 2020.

Saturday Self-Care Seminars

“One hand for the ship, one hand for the sailor,” is a wise adage born of hard experience. Still, self-care is usually the first thing to go overboard as we race around trying to manage our lives.

Let’s right the ship! Join us for our congregation-wide World Within Weekend: an immersion in caring for ourselves (the world within us) and caring well for others (the world within the church). On Saturday, January 25, there will be four great two-hour seminars from which to choose followed by lunch together—all of it included in the $10 registration fee. Childcare will be provided. All seminars will be held from 10am-12pm.

Which of these critical areas calls to you?

1) Marriage Enrichment with marriage therapist Andy Johnson, who will help us keep our primary relationships healthy.

2) Mind and Body Care with Dr. Min-Ken Liao and Dr. Susan D’Amato, who will lead us in no-stress chair yoga, mindfulness practices, and contemplative prayer. Take a deep breath, stretch out the stress, and listen for a word from God.

3) Tend to Your Grief with Rev. Kendra Plating. It’s said that pain that is not transformed will be transferred. Give your grief the attention it deserves.

4) End-of-life Preparation with attorney Duke McCall and Kyle Matthews, to tend to the legal, the practical, and the spiritual aspects. Do this now for the people you love!

Check-in registration will be held on the Rotunda side of the porte-cochere (drive-thru) $10 fee includes lunch

Questions?  Contact: Kyle Matthews or Ryland Brown at 864-233-2527, or email Kyleemail Ryland.

Caregiver Respite Dinner

On Saturday evening, January 25, on the Terrace Level of the AYMC, are hosting a Caregiver Respite Dinner for those members of the church who can’t always get to church because they are caregiving for others. It’s our way of saying: “We see you, we love you, and we know you need care, too.” ​This will include a delicious meal, chair and hand massages, a quiet room, art and game tables, and fellowship, all free gifts to those among us who are caring for others. Please use the registration page to nominate that caregiver you know who needs that kind of care.


Worship on Sunday

On Sunday morning, January 26, the Narthex will be filled with a Ministry Fair where you can meet the church members behind our Pastoral Care ministries and find out how to both receive care and how to participate in care-giving through:

  • Stephen Ministry
  • Congregational Care Visitors
  • Knit One, Crochet Two
  • Centering Prayer Group
  • LGBTQi Support Group
  • Addiction Recovery: AA and Al-Anon support groups
  • Transportation Ministries (worship, medical appointments, golf cart ministry)
  • Delivery Ministries: Bereavement Meals, Flowers to Friends, Midweek Meals
  • Counseling

Please join us!

And if you see an area listed above where you’d like to contribute your help, please contact me: Kyle Matthews, Minister of Pastoral Care, via email or phone at extension 138. Or, use the form on this page to indicate interest.

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