The Organist's Blog

October 7 – Come as a Child

Yesterday, we celebrated World Communion Sunday - such a wonderful picture of the inclusivity of God. All people from every race and creed are welcome at God's table. This week, we continue that theme by honoring the chlidren and those who seek to help them recognize...

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September 30 – A Place at the Table

Living in a world that is rife with hatred, bigotry and many other divisive forces, I am constantly reminded of how fortunate I am to be just a small part of the great work of God’s kingdom. Growing up, I always thought this kingdom was like an exclusive club: only...

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September 23, 2019 – Great Is Thy Faithfulness

The Gospel Lesson for this Sunday comes from Mark 9. In this passage, Jesus encourages his listeners to be wary of becoming a stumbling block to those who believe in him and the work he was sent to do. Looking at this admonition from the other angle, we should be the...

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September 16, 2019 – The Prodigal

This week’s Gospel lesson contains the story of the prodigal son, making it rather ironic that I chose this week to begin writing my blog again. If you had been regularly reading this blog, you probably already know the circumstances that led to the nearly year-long...

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August 20 – The King of Love My Shepherd Is

Psalm 23 is a psalm that most of us can quote by heart, but how often do we really meditate on the precious promises held within its words? I shall not want. God will always lead me. God will restore me. God will never leave me. On and on the promises go. This week we...

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August 13 – Let Mount Zion Rejoice

It’s easy to wish evil upon those who have hurt or harmed us. How many times have you heard or uttered the phrase sweet revenge? It seems only natural to give back what we think people deserve, but I would venture to say that most of us know from experience how...

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August 6, 2018 – Hope in the Midst of Gloom and Doom

May I be transparent for a moment? Zechariah is scary. It is a difficult book to match up with church music. I considered playing Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor for this coming Sunday. I am certainly looking forward to hearing what Pastor Jim is going to teach...

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April 30 – My Jesus, I Love Thee

By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments (1 John 5:2). It never ceases to amaze me that God loves me unconditionally. Jesus is the ultimate example of God’s love for all of humanity. God so desires our love that he...

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April 23 – The Mighty Power of God

All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord; and all the families of the nations shall worship before him. For dominion belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations. (Psalm 22:27-28) Psalm 22, the lectionary psalm for this Sunday, paints a...

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April 16 – Let Everything Praise the Lord

Throughout my life, Psalms has been my constant go-to book in the Bible. When I am happy, I find rejoicing. When I am sad, I find encouragement. When I stray from God, I find direction. This Sunday the chorus from the South Carolina Governor’s School for Arts and...

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April 9 – Worship the Lord

When Paul and Barnabas traveled to Lystra and healed a crippled man, the people of the city praised them as gods. They shouted as the priests of Zeus began to prepare a sacrifice, but Paul and Barnabas turned the attention to the true and living God. They described...

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April 2, 2018 – Rejoice! He Lives!

Royalty has always fascinated me. I love reading books about Queen Elizabeth I, King Louis XIV, Catherine the Great and many others. I try not to be obsessed with modern royal families, but I can’t help myself. One of my favorite current TV shows is The Crown. I don’t...

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