Yes, the first priority of the church is worship, but the second, and the fruit of worship, is service. That’s where things get complicated: no church can meet all the needs in its community. What to do?
The answer is partnerships! By finding common cause with non-profits in our area, what we cannot do with expertise, we can do by providing facilities. What we can’t provide in facilities, we can provide with volunteers. What we can’t provide in volunteers, we can provide in funds, and where funds are not available, we can provide that other most-valued commodity: advocacy.
On Friday, January 17, we hosted the first meeting of GAPS: Greenville Area Parkinson’s Society and had a wonderful gathering of members and guests who shared their experiences and found warm support and professional training, all free of charge! Turns out, our AYMC walking track is ideal for people needing to practice their walking under supervision, and our Media Center is ideal for caregivers to meet and encourage one another. Expert instruction was provided by Rock Steady Boxing, walking poles and snacks were provided, and new friendships blossomed!
If you know someone dealing with Parkinson’s or a related condition, register your interest with Jennifer Darst at ( and join us in the Fellowship Hall every third Friday of the month!
Also, on Friday, January 24, we hosted another partner: Neighborhood Cancer Connection. Director Katie Bennett came to tell us more about their good work, and a plan was created for when and where to have gatherings for those who have been given a diagnosis of some kind of cancer and those eager to support them. Please spread the word about that initiative, too, and send my way anyone interested in more information!
First Baptist cannot do it all, but through partnerships we can provide support “on every leaning side.”
—Kyle Matthews, Minister of Pastoral Care