Stephen Ministry Cover Letter


December 8, 2017
TO: Stephen Ministry Applicants for 2018 Training
FROM: Stephen Ministry Leadership Team
SUBJECT: Stephen Ministry Applications/Training Dates

Stephen Ministry applications are now available at the Reception Desk and may also be accessed on-line at the FBG Website under SERVE. The Stephen Ministry Leadership Team encourages your prayerful consideration of volunteering for this important ministry that trains laypeople to provide one-to-one Christian care for hurting people in our congregation and community. Applications for the 2018 training are due on or before Wednesday, January 3, and questions may be directed to members of the leadership team – Robin Barton, Wofford Green, Hazel Harris, Duke McCall, and Ann Quattlebaum – or to any Stephen Minister.

Volunteering for this important ministry requires a major commitment, but it is one that is sure to provide valuable rewards in the areas of spiritual, personal, and relational growth. Training will take place at the AYMC from 5:30p.m.8:00p.m. each Tuesday evening beginning on January 9 and ending on April 24. (No training on April 3.) Two Saturday training sessions from 9:30a.m.3:00p.m. are planned for January 27 and April 21. Following commissioning in the spring, peer supervision and continuing education will be held from 4:45p.m.7:30p.m. on the first and third Sundays of the months September through June. Please add all of these dates to your calendar.

Training materials cost $50 per set. FBG will pay $25, and volunteers are asked to pay $25, if their budget allows. Please speak with a member of the leadership team if you are interested in volunteering but need help with the cost. Thank you for your prayerful consideration of becoming a Stephen Minister.

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