Saturday, January 27, FBG Parlor
10am-1pm with lunch at 12pm
Cost: $15 (includes lunch)

Are you seeking to be more grounded and aware of God’s presence in the new year? Does your soul feel weary after the holiday rush? Marketing campaigns may encourage us to get up and go on January 1, but the winter season invites us into restorative stillness. Join a group of seekers on Saturday, January 27, for a SEE Retreat on contemplative prayer. Cynthia Fore, a spiritual director and contemplative retreat facilitator, will guide us through a session titled, “Invitation to Stillness and Silence.” Some of the time will be directed by Cynthia, but much of the retreat time will be set aside for attendees to try contemplative prayer activities in silence and “in solitude with other people.” SEE Retreats are always open to the public, so invite a friend!

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