I am looking forward to the kickoff of our Engaged Aging fall events with our Senior Adult Picnic at 4:30pm on Friday, September 6, in the Fellowship Hall! It promises to be an evening of food and fun as Rob Pyett will MC our pub-style trivia night following our meal. I plan to share a bit of my story as well and hope to chat with as many people as possible as we continue to get to know one another.

The cost of the evening is only $5; all we ask is that you help us with our food planning by registering by September 1. You can register online, or you can sign up on the physical form on the Senior Adult Bulletin Board. You may also call the church office and speak with me or simply leave me a message, and I will be sure to add you to the list.

I hope you will sign up to join us. We plan to launch our slate of Fall activities and dates at the picnic along with our initial sign-up opportunities. I’m looking forward to all we have in store.

—Michael McEntyre, Minister of Engaged Aging

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